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New reports in Finacle MIS server in HFINRPT Menu

New Reports deployed in MIS server in HFINRPT Menu

The following are the new reports deployed in MIS server in HFINRPT Menu. This url is accessible for Supervisor, SBCO Supervisor, System Administrators, Users with auditor role (IPs,ASP, Divisional Heads).

1. BO Details report

This reports gives the list of Branch Offices along with their BO codes under the given SOL ID. SOL ID is the input criteria. Report will be generated and viewed through HPR menu . This BO code is useful in HACSP and other menus.

2. Report of No. of Live accounts including BO for Scheme Type - SBA

This report list the live account in SBA schemes viz SBGEN, SBBAS, SBCHQ, SSA, PPF,NSS,etc. with address, DLT and BAT. This report can be generated BO wise also if BO code is given as input criteria. The following columns are available in this report

Account No
Cust NameCust 
Cust2 Name
Cust2 CIF ID
Cust3 Name
Cust3 CiF ID
Acct Type
Loan acct No.
BO Name 

This report will be very useful for generating Cent Per Cent verification reports, BO accounts.

Note: Please see to that no separate requests to be given to CEPT team for generating Cent Per Cent verification reports. This can be generated at PO end itself.

3. Report of No. of Live accounts including BO for Scheme Type - TDA

This report list the live account in TDA schemes viz RD,TD,NSC,KVP etc. with address, DLT and BAT. This report can be generated BO wise also if BO code is given as input criteria. The following columns are available in this report

Account No
Cust Name
Cust CI​F ID
Cust2 Name
Cust2 CIF ID
Cust3 Name
Cust3 CiF ID
Acct Type
Freezed/Disc reason
Loan acct No.
BO Name 

This report will be very useful for generating Cent Per Cent verification reports, BO accounts.

Note: Please see to that no separate requests to be given to CEPT team for generating Cent Per Cent verification reports. This can be generated at PO end itself.

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